We are here to assist you in resolving all types of family disputes including divorce, financial issues, childrens’ arrangements such as residence, communication, contact and co-parenting.
If you are separating or divorcing, family mediation helps you sort out disputes – without expensive legal fees or going through a long drawn-out court battle.
We as mediators, will help you work out what happens after you split up. We won’t try and get you and your ex-partner back together. We can also help when you’ve been separated a while and need to sort something out. We will listen to you and your ex-partner explain your concerns and views to each other and will help you both reach an agreement.
Mediation works by helping people find practical solutions that feel fair.
First, you will each meet your mediator separately for a 45 minute meeting, to brief them on relevant aspects of your situation and to see if mediation would be suitable. These meetings are known as mediation information and assessment meetings (MIAMS), and can usually be arranged within 5 working days.
You will then meet the mediator/s together for sessions of 90 minutes. The number of sessions you might need depends on the complexity of your case. After each meeting you will receive an outcome summary with details of agreements reached, options considered and items outstanding. When you reach a final agreement we prepare a memorandum of understanding (MOU), which is used by a solicitor to draw up a consent order. When approved by a District Judge, this is legally binding.
Family mediation: What are the benefits?
- gives you more say about what happens. In court a judge will make the decisions. With mediation you and the other party make the decisions.
- is less stressful, with less conflict between you and your partner. If you have children, it is less upsetting for them. It can help find ways for everyone involved to get on better in the future.
- improves communication and helps you sort out your future.
- agreements can be reviewed and changed if you both agree – e.g. if your situation changes, and as your children get older or have different needs.
- is easier on your children when parents co-operate and helps them continue important family relationships.
- is quicker, cheaper and provides a better way to sort out disagreements than long drawn – out court battles – helping you to get on with the rest of your life as quickly as possible.
How does it work?
- MIAM: The first step is to come and see one of our mediators for an initial meeting or MIAM (Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting). Each party attends a separate MIAM, which lasts about an hour. The purpose of the meeting is to explain the mediation process in detail and for both you and the mediator to assess the suitability of your situation for mediation. You will have the opportunity to set out the background, issues and possible problems you are facing.
- Joint Session: Then, after you and your ex-partner have had your MIAMS, we will arrange the first joint session. This lasts for 90 minutes and can be either a face to face meeting or zoom meeting.
- OFS: In financial cases, following the MIAMS, we prepare an Open Statement of Financial Information (OFS), which forms the basis of future negotiations. It is an agreed schedule of what is in the marital pot and essential for solicitors in order to prepare the consent order.
- Outcome Documentation: If after negotiations, you reach a settlement, you have a choice as to outcome documentation. You can either ask us to prepare Memorandum of Understanding, a lengthy document setting out the rationale behind the agreement, or you opt for a brief Summary of Heads of Agreement. Most people find that the brief summary is sufficient.
General Mediation Fees
Joint income up to £60,000 Fee pp |
Joint income up to £120,000 Fee pp |
Joint income over £120,000 Fee pp |
MIAM | £125 | £150 | £200 |
MIAM + Form | £175 | £200 | £250 |
Joint Meeting (Zoom, 90 Minutes) | £175 | £225 | £275 |
Joint Meeting (in person, 90 minutes) | £200 | £275 | £325 |
ES2/OFS | £150 | £225 | £275+ |
Summary of Joint Proposals | £125 | £200 | £300+ |
Parenting Plan | £75 | £150 | £250 |
Full Memorandum of Understanding |
£250 | £400 | £600+ |
Child Inclusive Mediation
Children are often the main focus for separating parents and their needs are most important. Some of our mediators are trained to see children on their own, so that they can feel involved in the thinking about their future. This would only happen if you, your ex-partner and the child agree.
Many parents find it helpful to hear how their children are coping with the separation. It is an opportunity to hear what arrangements are working and if there are any aspects which are troubling them. Child consultation is normally offered to children aged 10 or upwards.
The process involves:
- MIAMs for both parents
- Joint session preparing the parents for feedback (60 minutes)
- Session with the child, normally face to face (45 minutes)
- Feedback session and future planning (90 minutes)
Child Inclusive Mediation
Joint income Fee pp |
Joint income Fee pp |
Joint income Fee pp |
MIAM | £125 | £150 | £200 |
Prep Session (45-60 minutes) | £100 | £225 | £350 |
Consultation per child | £175 | £225 | £350 |
Feedback (60 minutes) | £125 | £225 | £350 |
Total | £525 | £825 | £1250 |
Less Voucher ** | £250 | £250 | £250 |
Total | £525 | £825 | £1250 |
London Chambers Meeting – Surplus | £150 | £200 | £250 |
** = Government voucher is available for £500 per couple.
Games We Play
A Communication Seminar
Godalming, Saturday 10 – 4
This seminar is focused on effective communication in relationships. There will be a mix of theory and practice, based on tried and tested models. The session will be confidential and allow you to share specific situations in which you would like to find more effective ways to communicate.
We will run the event at a country house with extensive grounds, away from the noise of everyday life. Please express interest using the form below and we will set up and run the session at a time that suits your schedule.
This is run on demand for small groups (4 – 8).
Fee = £100 (no VAT)
*20% discount for existing clients
“I would highly recommend Corinna to anyone caught in any form of family dispute or divorce.
Her integrity coupled with her ever present compassion were welcome at a time when I thought our harsh challenges were too great to solve.
In a short time, they were overcome by her wise guidance and stoic professionalism, finding successful and lasting solutions through a very difficult time, allowing us all to move on.”
“Thank you Corinna, I know that will have taken a huge amount of effort to run, I think the outcome was good!”
“Dear Corinna, X and I wanted to give you a big thank you for your help in facilitating our issues and bringing Y back into our lives.”
We are associated with the
following organisations:
Useful Download
Financial Disclosure Form
Meet your mediators

Corinna is an accredited mediator and former family law barrister. She has over 15 years experience in family law and dispute resolution. Corinna’s expertise covers the full spectrum of family issues ranging from divorce and separation (including finance, housing and cohabitation matters) to children cases (including residence, contact and relocation issues). Corinna’s clients include couples, family members in dispute, children and young people, whom she sees separately as part of their parents’ mediation process. Corinna also deals with family disputes, often inter-generational, where communication has broken down, but both parties would like to improve their relationship.

Will is an accredited Family Mediator and Professional Practice Consultant. He trained as a solicitor with Penningtons Solicitors LLP and has worked in dispute resolution since 2004. He qualified as a family law mediator with National Family Mediation (NFM) in 2011 and has since obtained Family Mediation Council Full Accreditation status enabling him to work on all publicly funded matters as well as private cases. He is experienced in delivering the Separated Parenting Information Programme (SPIP) as well as mediating at court in the Thames Valley area. He is also qualified to consult with children within the mediation process. Will is a member of NFM, The College of Mediators and The Law Society.

Jane trained with and is a member of the Family Mediators Association. She brings both legal and therapeutic experience to mediation. She qualified as a solicitor in 1981 and worked as a civil and criminal litigator in London for 10 years. In the early 1990s she trained as a counsellor while living in Hong Kong. Following her return to the UK she underwent further training with both Relate and The Institute of Family Therapy and for the last 12 years has been working as a counsellor with couples, individuals, families and young people. She has also worked extensively with separating parents as they seek to shield their children from the impact of conflict. She is a strong believer in the value of communication between parties with different perspectives and is committed to facilitating such communication.